The legendary industrial designer Dieter Rams might just have the key to a more sustainable future for fashion. He inspired people to think about quality and his 'less but better' approach influenced a generation of consumer products. 

Dieter believes that design should be based on principles like honesty, longevity and functionality. Dieter Rams’s principles for good design are the result of his concerns about a world that he was, in some ways, contributing to. He asked himself an important question: is my design good enough?

Good design is long lasting 

Dieter Rams's design is about the long-term, not short term trends. He believes in quality and wants his designs to have a positive impact on our environment for years to come.

In a world where trends pass by without much thought, he stands for longevity. We couldn't agree more and feel responsible for what we put on to this world. We believe that it is time to reject the hype and disposability of the fashion world in favour of things with lasting value — things you will always want around because they are worth every cent. 

Less, but better 

Buying just one well-made piece that will last years would be infinitely more sustainable than purchasing ten cheaply made items which won't last a season before ending up in landfills. We have the power to change this by buying fewer pieces of higher quality items and investing in more timeless pieces.

Good design is honest  

Like Rams, we believe that good design does not attempt to influence people in a way that could be misleading in any way. It does not make a product more innovative, powerful or valuable than it really is if a promise can't be kept. Our business is built on honesty, so we openly share information about how, where, and by whom our pieces are made.

Good design principles go beyond aesthetics and aim to make things in a better way. We have been approaching Moin in this way since day one. View our collection made from natural fibres. 

February 06, 2023 — Moin Journal